We all love going to our camper every weekend it is lots of fun for all of us.

Carter playing the Leapster.

Hannah saw that Dad was outside so she hurried to get her shoe's on.

When Hannah was outside she found a bucket that was catching water from the air conditioning system. She thought it was fun letting it drip down on to her hand.

Later that day we took a ride in our new golf cart.

It can seat six people or more witch is very nice for us to have.

This is a picture of the bridge that Grey's point (our camp ground) is right beside.

On the golf cart ride Hannah fell asleep.

That evening their was a beautiful sunset.

Hannah was having fun dropping little rocks on her feet.

Then she found a big bucket of golf balls. Can you guess what she is planing to do with them?

You were right. After she dumped them down the stairs she would pick them all up. Then she would dump them down the stairs again and again.


When we got inside Hannah started riding our big fish pillow around. She was saying giddy up fishy.

Then I made a fort for her on the bottom bunk of my bunk bed. She loved playing in it.

The next morning Carter, Hannah and I went for a walk and it was so hot outside. When we got back Carter found our Bubble blower and he used it as a fan to cool himself off.

Hannah liked the way it felt.
Heather :)