I can't believe that another year has already gone by, at this time last year Elijah wasn't even born yet.
This year we went to our Great-Grandma Carter's house on Christmas Eve. When we got home we opened our presents from each other. Then we opened up our presents from mom and dad; which are always pajamas.
Bradley and Carter both have got into outdoors and adventure this year so they have really enjoyed there camo pajamas.
This year we all received a lot of presents from Carter. Most of them were from shopping the floor as he says (that’s when you go around your house and find things on the floor that you want to give to someone). :)
Hannah got a new purse that I made her, some flower hair clips and some candy which she really enjoyed.
Carter got a new shovel and this time it is a real one, but it came with a couple of rules. :)
Bradley got an "ultimate survival kit" as he calls it. It consisted of a duffel bag to hold everything, a flashlight, a passport holder and a wallet.
Carter also got an orange and camo wallet.
CHRISTmas morning!
This Christmas was probably one of my favorites because this year we got a piano. Bradley, Carter and I have been taking lessons for a while but we only had a little keyboard to practice on, so this is a great improvement.
After we all woke up we opened our stockings.
We didn't get to brush Hannah's hair before we started and isn't it just lovely. :)
~Elijah's first Christmas~
Elijah loves ripping paper so he really enjoyed opening his presents, ...
... but he was still eyeing the candy.
Bradley and Carter both got M&M's, Reese's, flossers, toothpaste, a little Lego set, and some reusable Lego stickers. Also you might not see me but that was because I was taking pictures.
After we opened our stockings Elijah tried out his new walker (when he gets older he can use it as a car that he can sit on).
We knew that he shouldn't have tried it out, now he is going to be walking in not time. After we got a video of Elijah walking with his walker (which is down at the bottom of the post) we went and opened presents.
We all got some ATI games to play as a family. One was called Character Clues and the other was called Commands of Christ.
Elijah got some bath toys and a big boy car seat, along with his walker.
One of the things that Carter got was an electric playground, Bradley also got one and they have already figured out how to make a door alarm.
Bradley (the sneaky guy) got some books this year. One of them was The Runt by Rick Boyer and the other three were Sneaky, Sneakier and Sneakiest uses for Everyday Things.
I got a writing course that will hopefully better my writing, spelling and speaking skills.
Another thing that Carter got was a rubber band gun and he also got a rubber band ball.
Hayden got some books, but he also got a 22 long rifle!
To God be the Glory,