
But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness gentleness and
self-control. Against such things there is no law. Galations 5:22:23


Friday, April 24, 2015

Christmas 2014 (part 1)

Well, I am really behind with blogging, that is all I can say!  The months have flown by so fast this year and so you will have to forgive my major lack of posting.  Anyways, life has still been just as busy as ever and I have tons of things I could be posting about but I wanted to start with Christmas, so here you go....  

...This past Christmas we really tried to enjoy the season.  Celebrating Christ, his birth and how grateful we are to Him for coming to earth to save us.  We did an advent study by Ann Voskamp that was amazing. So each day we got to read a part of the story of the coming of Christ from Gen. all the way up to his birth.  There are also ornaments to go along with it that we hung up everyday.
On Christmas eve we had Grandpa Bradley and Pam over (moms side).  They came in from Florida and we spent the whole day with them.  Then they treated us to dinner at Olive Garden, which was so delicious.  

Also, all of us kids opened the gifts that we got for each other.  Every year we pull names from a hat and get a gift for that person.     

Fayth (with help) got a gift for Elijah. :)

He loved it, and carries his guns around all the time.

I made a gift for Fayth.  She really doesn't need any more toys and so I decided to make a practical gift. :)

Elijah got Hannah a gift.  He got her a nightgown she really wanted and a notebook because she loves writing things down these days.
Hayden got Carter and cd player which he was in need of.

Carter got Bradley a book in a series that he was reading.  It didn't come in the mail in time so he printed out the cover and taped it to another book and then wrote a note saying coming soon.  :)

Bradley and Carter both got Hayden a 2015 Calender with pictures of Ford trucks in it.

Then Bradley also got him some car cleaning products. If you don't already know, he loves cars and keeping them nice. :)
Last but not least, Hannah got me a book lamp and a notebook/journal.

Then later that night we also continued our tradition of getting some new PJ's but only for Bradley, Carter, Hannah, Elijah and Fayth.
 It was so cute when Fayth opened hers because she was sooo excited that had new PJ's and she couldn't wait to put them on.

So that was our Christmas eve, and coming next will be Christmas day.

To God be the Glory,